Animation from a Small Island

I thought it would be nice to post the first animation by Small Island Studio here, with character design by Paul Newell, animation and props by Stefan Le Mottee and yours truly. The music and sound effects are by Nick Storr. Narration is performed by Susanne Schantz.

Small Island Studio Launches!

Optimistic Painter has been a bit quiet lately as I have been working hard to launch our new business venture: Small Island Studio

Small Island Studio originated as a desire in me to connect ideas and education with people using images and animation. As an animator I’m aware of the power of the visual to help people understand the complex.

Thankfully I met my business partner, Susanne Schantz, who saw the value in what I was trying to do and felt that it was both worthwhile and that there was a market for this service.

I’m very lucky to be surrounded by talented people, among them people like David Orr, who bridge the scientific and illustrative fields. I saw many of these people being under utilised, and really wanted to show off what they can do and reward them too!

Of course I know quite a few scientists as well, so there are lots of opportunities for collaboration. In fact, we’re hoping to produce something very soon along those lines.

So please visit Small Island Studio to see our first Explainer Animation and visit the gallery, I hope you enjoy it!